Welcome to TradeShow.pk

We connect millions of buyers worldwide with manufacturers and exporters of Pakistan. We help empowering suppliers & creating new economic opportunities for everyone.

Tradeshow.pk is Pakistan’s first online trade show to help millions of buyers connect with the manufacturers and exporters of Pakistan. There is a big number of buyers worldwide who are looking for products “Made in Pakistan” online and offline. We help them to search our products easily. We help vendors in Pakistan to create proper content like images, videos and product descriptions to display their products stand out.


Products for sale


Active Sellers


Active Buyers


Annual marketing budget

What do we offer?

TradeShow.pk – Pakistan’s First Digital Trade Show

With a decade of international experience of generating leads for individual companies. Now we have launched Pakistan’s first ever digital Trade Show. Let’s display your products to international buyers worldwide. The purpose is to increase international exposure for your products and find new buyers for your products worldwide. Buyers will have a direct access to your company directly. We are serious to increase Pakistan exports with the following important points to cover through tradeshow.pk

– Explore new International Markets
– Showcase your products to international buyers
– A Trade Show open 24/7 all year around
– Direct Access to buyers
– Exclusive Support

Explore new international markets:

The major purpose is to explore new international markets for Pakistan’s products. As the TradeShow.pk is digital and live all around the world. We plan to enhance Trade Show with digital market throughout the world. Apart from digital marketing, we plan to participate and engage with different international businesses chambers and trade organizations. Initially we are going to spend more than 25 Million rupees to market this trade show worldwide. It will help all individual venders to get more business internationally.

Showcase your products to international buyers:

We need to show what we have got. It’s important to display our products in a presentable way to international buyers. Our international experienced experts help and guide you to display your products on the Trade Show. It will help international buyers to know more about your products with quality pictures and good quality video of all products. We help our vendors to enhance their products with relevant detailed content.

A Trade Show open 24/7 all year around:

Normally the trade shows are placed for a few days and needs you to dedicate staff along with expensive charges. Unlike the traditional trade show, tradeshow.pk is unique in a way that this will be live 24/7 all year around, cost effective and with the comfort of your home/office. Just add your product content (images, videos and description) and you are ready to go.

Direct Access to Buyers:

The policy of tradeshow.pk makes it clear that the buyers will be able to access your contact details directly. The buyers can contact through a quick quotation system from tradeshow.pk or may directly access you with your contact details (contact numbers, WhatsApp, social media or website)

Exclusive support:

For anything else, just don’t worry. Our international experienced experts are here for you. We offer specific assistance to international buyers as well local vendors.

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