Red Onions

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Red onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion. It is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Its close relatives include the garlic, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. Its export is increasing day by day in the global market. Pakistan Onion is known as premium quality Onion. Onion suppliers in Pakistan are now looking to increase its export in the international market.


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Quality red Onions are super-healthy, they are excellent sources of vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids, and phytochemicals. Studies have shown that they may help reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and heart diseases as well.

Onion can be used in different forms. You can get onion powder for shelf-ready solutions, or you can use them raw in a wide range of recipes like casseroles pizzas.

In recent years onion export from Pakistan has seen a great boost. It is increasing by 10% than in previous years from 2015. It is hoped that by 2025 Pakistan will be among the largest exporter of onions in the world. This will open new gates for onion suppliers from Pakistan in the international market. Pakistan is among the largest onion exporting country. There are various red onion suppliers in Pakistan.


ONION Processing

Saremco International Pull any onions that send up flower stalks; this means that the Red onions have stopped growing. These are bad quality red onions that will not store well but can be used in recipes within a few days.

We harvest Red onions on time with best possible cultivation type methods. We wait for the moment when onions start to mature, the tops become yellow and begin to fall over. At this point, our workers bend the tops down or even stomp on them to speed the final ripening process of Pakistani red onion. This means that we get fresh vegetables for trade.


The soil around the Onion bulb is then loosened to encourage drying. Finally, when the tops are brown, we pull the onions out. We make sure that harvest begins in late summer, before cool weather. This will reduce the chances of Red onion spoilage. Which means more onion production per acre. This tends to increase onion export from pakistan.

Grading and Cleaning

After Cultivation, we transfer onions to our grading and cleaning area. Here all the impurities and dust particles are removed from red onions in a dry atmosphere using silky polish formula. All this attention to detail makes us the best onion suppliers from Pakistan. We use this process on every vegetable like onion potato and shallots.

Red Onion Packaging and Storage

Saremco International is becoming one of the fastest-growing red onion exporters in Pakistan. We produce Farm fresh onion for trade. We give attention to every step of Onion export. Our Packaging and storage system is second to none.


Saremco International Pays full attention to its product Packaging. Due to these virtues, our product is demanded worldwide, also, we have developed best practices for Agro-Products packaging. For red onion export, we use mesh bags. Jute bags are also available as per customer requirements. There are different weight categories that range from 5Kg to 50 Kg.


Before Shipment the supply of red onion is stored in our warehouses in clean and germ-free environment. They kept away from sunlight and water to stay dry and unspoiled.

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